A Visit with Charleston and Skye

On December 6th 2018, we had some special visitors, visitors with feathers!  Aedon, and his family, brought some chickens to share with us.

First, Aedon’s mother, Yvonne introduced us to Charleston, the handsome rooster.  Everyone had a chance to hold a handful of grain and feed Charleston.  Although it doesn’t hurt, sometimes it is a surprise to have a hard beak come pecking down on your hand.

Then Yvonne brought out Skye, the hen.  Aedon showed us how to hold her so she felt secure.  Skye was very calm as she got passed from child to child for a hug and a snuggle.  Both Charleston and Skye were calm and gentle and did so well being handled by the children.  They must get a lot of love and care at home.

Three cheers for everybody who met Charleston and Skye!  Although everyone was excited, the children were considerate of our feathered guests.  Thank you, Aedon, Yvonne, and Isla for this up-close and personal visit with Charleston and Skye.


Snow Penguin


Twas the week before Christmas