Impromptu Outings to Rebecca Spit 2021

It is becoming a common affair that we spontaneously wrangle our Friday group (car seats and all) into staff vehicles to venture to the Rebecca Spit for the day. We spend time on the beach, splashing in the ocean, throwing sticks and rocks, exploring sea life and walking along the logs, and sadly, often finding garbage. There is always a lot of important conversations that happen like how to keep our beaches clean and why we should limit the use of non-organic materials we use in our lives. You wouldn’t believe the excitement expressed when they find garbage to pick up. It is a beautiful thing to see indeed.

We are always ready to refuel with a picnic lunch! With our renewed energy we play chase games in the field, walk the loop trail to the tip of the spit and back, and most favourably, play on the far side of the beach in the log forts that have been built there. This play is risky and offers children the opportunity to test their own personal boundaries and to push them. Sometimes they fall and need a snuggle and an ice pack. This risk taking is how we learn!


Learning Through My Senses


The Happy Wagon Fall 2020